Tak Ming Almanac
1931 In view of the pressing need of education for all, General Chen Ji-tang and renowned revolution
activist Mr. Hu Han-Ming founded a school for overseas Chinese. With the mission to rejuvenate
the nation by means of education for all, the school was named after Dr. Sun Yat-sen using his
name【Tak Ming】 when he was a student at school. Dr. Sun’s birthday was chosen as the school’s
inauguration day. Mr. Hu’s calligraphy –【Sincere, Confident, Virtuous, Studious】– were chosen
as the school motto.
1933 Tak Ming High School was established in Gao Yiu County of Guangzhou.
1934 Tak Ming Secondary School was established in Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong and the Principal was
Mr Wong Lun-Shu.
1936 Tak Ming, Wan Chai Branch School and Tak Ming, Kowloon City Second Branch School were established.
1941 Tak Ming school relocated to Mau Ming County of Guangdong Province during Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong.
1947 Winter. The first batch of students graduated from Tak Ming.
1955 Guangzhou Tak Ming Secondary School relocated to Macau. The Tak Ming Campus at Sai Yee Street of Kowloon was built.
1960 The English Evening School witnessed its first batch graduates. Tak Ming College expanded its operation to four schools; namely: Arts & Literature, Commerce, Science, and Engineering with 16 departments. Thus, Tak Ming was now a full-fledged education organization that encompassed kindergarten, primary, secondary, and college education under one name. The number of students exceeded 12,000 and it was a record that Hong Kong did not have before.
英文夜校笫一屆畢業,增辦德明書院,設文、商、理、工四院十六系。於在香港教育署立案並在九龍洗衣街創辦香港德明書院,設立文、商、理、工四學院十六學系及先修班,完成德明教育機構由幼稚園、小 學、中學至大學的完整教育體系,學生人數增至一萬二千餘人,實為香港前所未有之最高紀錄。
1962 Tak Ming College was approved by the Education Department of Taiwan to be the first overseas independent institute that was granted the authority to confer Bachelor’s Degrees.
1966 The new school building at Sai Yee Street, Kowloon was completed. It was a 17-storey building with 139 classrooms.
1996 Tak Ming College relocated to the current premises at 115 Chatham Road South, 5 & 6Th Floor, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.
Hong Kong Tak Ming College
EDB Registration No. 31182