Tak Ming Education Organization
The History 校史
Tak Ming Education Foundation was founded by General Chen Ji-tang and Mr. Hu Han-ming in 1931. The first Tak Ming College was established in Guangzhou, a living memorial to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the Father of the Nation, for his greatness in ideology & deeds and dedication to educating young men and women and preparing them to be the future leaders of the nation.
德明教育機構於1931 年由前陳濟棠將軍、胡漢民先生成立.於於廣州建立德明中學.以 國父孫中山先生嘉名『德明』為校名,以茲紀念.並發掦 國 父孫中山先生偉大思想,教育青年有愛國愛民的國 家未來主人翁.
In 1949, Mainland’s ruling party changed hand, it prompted a large influx of refugees to Hong Kong. Amongst them, many were school teachers. Then, there was only one university in Hong Kong. For many of the students who attended schools that were managed and staffed by teachers and educationalists from the Mainland would have to seek further higher education in Taiwan. Starting from 1961, Tak Ming Educational Foundation provided primary and secondary in Hong Kong and in 1962 registered post-secondary courses in accordance with Chapter 279, Laws of Hong Kong. This post-secondary program was also recognized and accredited by the Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan) and Tak Ming College was accredited as one of the overseas independent institute that could confer degrees for approved courses by the Ministry of Education Republic of China (Taiwan).
1949 年,大陸易手,大量國內難民湧入香港,包括一批教育工作者.他們在香港提供教育服務.當時香港只有一所大學.香港大量適年學生只可就讀當時由大陸學者、教育工作者提供的中文教育機會.高中畢業後,大量畢業生赴台灣升大學教育.德明教育機構便提供小學、中學、大專教育.並於1961 年,依香港教育條例 (香港法例279 章) 立案註冊大專課程.於1962 年並獲中華民國教育部核認為可頒發學位的海外獨立學院之一.
In February 1988, Tak Ming College was incorporated as a non-profit-making educational institution under the Companies Ordinance of the Laws of Hong Kong.
1988 年,德明教育機構註冊為一所非牟利專業教育機構.Hong Kong Tak Ming College
EDB Registration No. 31182