AICPA - Amercian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
AICPA is one of the top CPA qualifications in the world.
香港德明書院的專業會計文憑課程獲多間美國學歷評審組織(FACS;JSA)認可為等同於美國大學會計學學位並得到AICPA考試資格。香港德明書院專業會計課程學生成績優異,其中在1997年11月參加美國註冊會計師全國統一考試的一批學生成績更位列頭十。分別考取第1 (C. Ho)、第2 (K. Cheng)、第5 (P. Cheung)、第9 (Alice Heung)。
Hong Kong Tak Ming College – Professional Diploma in Accountancy and its credits are evaluated as equivalent to US accredited credits thus qualifying students to sit for the Uniform Examinations of AICPA. In November 1997, HKTMC students have scored first, second, fifth and ninth out of TOP TEN in the Seattle of the Washington State Board of Accountancy.
AICPA Exam Papers
審計及簽証 (Auditing & Attestation)
財務會計和報告 (Financial Accounting & Reporting)
法律法規 (Regulations)
商業環境和理論 (Business Environment & Concepts)
Hong Kong Tak Ming College
EDB Registration No. 31182